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The IMPACT HTA Final Workshop aimed to provide an overview of the contribution of IMPACT HTA, its impacts and its legacy in terms of future research, as the project comes to its conclusion. The workshop included a presentation of the outputs of each research stream followed by comments from selected stakeholders. To access the agenda, please click here HERE.


The event took place as a webinar on the 8th June 2021 and was attended by 100 participants from academia, HTA agencies, decision makers, patient organisations, and other HTA stakeholders. Guest commentators expressed the importance of the research topics and described how they address the current challenges experienced by the HTA community. 


To view the workshop recording, please click HERE.


To download the summary of project results, please click HERE.





IMPACT HTA: Project Context and Objectives [PDF]


WP2: Development and application of a tool to combine and use RCT and observational/registry data in economic evaluation [PDF]


WP3: Developing a costing methodology and a core dataset of costs for facilitating cross border comparisons in economic evaluation [PDF]


WP4: The role of social costs in economic evaluations for health care decisions in Europe [PDF]


WP5: Exploring health preferences on different sub-population groups using EQ-5D [PDF]


WP6: Methodological guidance on the analysis and interpretation of non-randomised studies to inform health economic evaluation [PDF]


WP7: Methodological tools using multi-criteria value methods for HTA decision-making [PDF]


WP8: Analysis of economic evaluation methods for hospital-based assessment [PDF]


WP9: Expanding economic analysis for HTA: methods for measuring fiscal impact of new healthcare interventions [PDF]


WP10: Guidance to support consistent HTA appraisal for orphan medicinal products [PDF]


WP11: From HTA results to guidance implementation: paving the way [PDF]




For more details on each WP outputs, please visit the work packages webpages.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779312

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