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Development and application of a tool to combine and use RCT and observational/registry data in economic evaluation

  • To produce guidance on extrapolation of Randomised Clinical Trial (RCT) results using Real World Data (RWD), either observational or registry data, to allow cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of new health care technologies to be undertaken

  • To develop a new, publicly accessible platform to allow direct modelling of CEA by Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies


  • Extrapolation of health benefits by using different sets of data

  • Assessment and evaluation of existing ways of extrapolation of treatment costs

  • Creation of platform based on Discretely Integrated Condition Event (DICE) simulation, to model health benefits and treatment costs during CEA modelling

  • Pilot using the DICE model with a published HTA guideline and provision of recommendations for modelling the consequences of guidelines, both in general and when using DICE simulation

  • Deliverable D2.1: A review of parametric model choice used to extrapolate RCT outcomes [PDF]

  • Deliverable D2.2: Validation of the DICE modelling technique against existing methods and speeding up execution of the simulation engine [PDF]

  • Deliverable D2.3: Training modules and manuals for HTA staff, reviewers, and modelers (available on the DICE Platform)

  • DICE platform based on Discretely Integrated Condition Event simulation to model health benefits and treatment costs during CEA modelling. 




Publications about DICE

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE Health


Research team

Alistair McGuire (PI)

Jaime Caro (PI)

Michael Wood

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779312

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