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Development and application of a tool to combine and use RCT and observational/registry data in economic evaluation

Developing a costing methodology and a core dataset of costs for facilitating cross

border comparisons in economic evaluation

Social costs and their role in economic evaluation for health care decision-making

Exploring health preferences on different sub-population groups using EQ-5D


Methodological guidance on the analysis and interpretation of non-randomised studies to inform health economic evaluation

Methodological tools using multi-criteria value methods for HTA decision-making

Guidance to support consistent HTA appraisal for orphan medicinal products

From HTA results to implementation: paving the way

Analysis of economic evaluation methods for hospital-based assessment

Expanding economic analysis for HTA: methods for measuring fiscal impact of new healthcare interventions

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779312

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